A post-doc position in Seungkuk's lab in Ireland on "Elucidate integrin-mediated mechanotransduction of engineered biomimetic fibrillar extracellular matrices by skin cells during tissue regeneration"is open!
This PD1 position is intended for early stage researchers, either just after completion of a PhD or for someone entering a new area for the first time. If you have already completed your PD1 stage in UCD or will soon complete a PD1, or you are an external applicant whose total Postdoctoral experience, inclusive of the duration of the advertised post, would exceed 4 years, you should not apply and should refer to PD2 posts instead.
The candidate must start in January 2025 or as soon as possible no later than May 2025.
Please send a cover letter (1 page max), CV, academic transcript, and referee’s contact details (3 referees min) to Dr Seungkuk Ahn (seungkuk.ahn@ucd.ie) no later than 17 Dec 2024.
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